Immigration Services

The Netherlands

Partner of a Dutch residence permit holder 
Turkish Association Treaty – IND Netherlands

In 1963, the European Union (EU) and Turkey concluded the Association Agreement. The purpose of this treaty is to promote the relations between Turkey and its citizens and the EU. This agreement should facilitate free movement for Turkish nationals. The Turkish Association Agreement brings several advantages for Turkish nationals and their family members, in comparison to nationals from other non-EU countries:

Turkish self-employed 
Turkish self-employed individuals/ entrepreneurs do not have to comply with the RVO points system in order to obtain a residence permit as a self-employed person. However, the Turkish self-employed person must be able to submit a thorough business plan and the supporting financial documents when applying for a self-employment residence permit. You are also free on the Dutch labour market after you have had a residence permit as a self-employed person for 3 years. Are you a Turkish entrepreneur or do you want more information about the Turkish self-employment procedure? Then please take a look at the Turkish Self-employed page
Highly Skilled Migrant 
To work as a highly skilled migrant, the highly skilled migrant must work for an employer that is recognized by the IND as a sponsor. However, it follows from the Turkish Association Agreement that the Turkish highly skilled migrant can work for an employer that is not recognized by the IND as a sponsor. Are you a highly skilled migrant or would you like more information about the highly skilled migrant procedure? Then please visit our highly skilled migrant page. 


Paid employment 
To be eligible for a residence permit for paid employment under the Turkish Association Agreement, the Turkish employee must meet a number of conditions; 

  • As an employee you have been employed by an employer for at least 1 year;
  • During this period you have always had a valid residence permit;
  • You will continue to work for the same employer.

If you meet the above conditions as an employee, your employer does not have to apply for a TWV. After 3 years you are also free on the labour market. 
Also, to be eligible for a residence permit paid employment, the employer does not need to be recognized by the IND as a sponsor. 

Residence with spouse or registered partner 

If you are a spouse or registered partner of a Turkish national in the Netherlands, you have several advantages. There is also a lower age requirement for married partners and registered partners of Turkish nationals. The Turkish national and his married or registered partner must be at least 18 years old instead of 21 years old. Please take note that the Turkish national has to undergo the civil integration exam. This rule applies to Turkish nationals from January the 1st of 2022.
– If the entrepreneur is going to establish an ”Eenmanszaak”/ one man business, an amount investment amount of €4500 applies; 
– If the entrepreneur is going to establish a ”Vennootschap onder firma/ general partnership, a minimum investment of 25% of the paid- in capital applies, with a minimum of €4500; 
-If the entrepreneur is going to establish a ”Besloten vennootschap”/ a private limited company, a minimum investment of 25% of the paid- in capital applies, with a minimum of €4500; 
– If the entrepreneur is going to establish a ”Naamloze vennootschap”/ a public limited company, a minimum investment of 25% of the paid- in capital applies. The paid- in capital for a public limited company is at least €45.000, which means that the minimum investing amount has to be €11.250.

Do you have a Turkish nationality, and do you want to submit an application for a residence permit with your partner or spouse or do you want to submit an application for a residence permit as an employee? Then INLS would, given our experience within the IND, be more than happy to manage and assist you with the Turkish Association Agreement application procedure.  

Please refer to the FAQ list below for more information about the the Turkish Association Agreement.

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions about Turkish Association Treaty visa application

You are eligible for a residence permit on the basis on the three-year policy if your application as a self-employed person has been pending for 3 years or longer at the IND and you have always had lawful residence in the Netherlands during these 3 years. This stems from the Turkish Association Agreement. Please note: this only applies to Turkish nationals who have submitted an application for a self-employment residence permit. 

You are eligible for a residence permit for continued residence if you meet the following conditions: 

  • You have had a residence permit as a family member for at least 3 years;

Your family member or relative must have a residence permit with a non-temporary purpose, or your family member or relative also has the Dutch nationality in addition to Turkish nationality

You are eligible for a residence permit orientation year under the Turkish Association Agreement if you meet the following conditions: 

  • You must have been married for at least 3 years or have been a registered partner of a person with a residence permit for a non-temporary purpose.
  • The marriage or registered partnership has already ended.

Before the termination of the marriage or registered partnership, you lived in the Netherlands for at least 1 year. You have always had a valid residence permit. 

You are eligible for a residence permit for continued residence after an orientation year after breaking up the marriage of 3 years, if you meet the following conditions: 

  • You already have a residence permit for an orientation year.
  • You have found work during the duration of your residence permit.
  • Your employment contract is still valid for at least 1 year on the date you submit the continued residence application.
  • You have sufficient and independent income.

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The information contained in this site is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this site. Accordingly, the information on this site is provided with the understanding that INLS is not liable for the above content. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with our professionals before making any decision or taking any action.

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