Immigration Services

The Netherlands

Partner of a Dutch residence permit holder 
Turkish self-employment visa procedure  – IND Netherlands

Are you an ambitious entrepreneur and do you have Turkish nationality? Then the Turkish self-employed application procedure offers the possibility to obtain a residence permit as a self-employed person. 

In contrast to the regular self-employed application procedure, the RVO points system does not apply to self-employed entrepreneurs with the Turkish nationality. The Council of State has determined that the RVO point system is in conflict with the standstill provision. 
The standstill provision stems from the Turkish Association Agreement that the European Union (EU) has concluded with Turkey. The Turkish self-employed application procedure is based on the Turkish Association Agreement. 
For more information about the Turkish Association Agreement, please refer to the Turkish Association Agreement page. 
Despite the fact that Turkish entrepreneurs are exempted from the RVO points system, Turkish entrepreneurs must substantiate the application with a thorough and extensive business plan and the financial supporting documents of the business plan. The business plan and supporting financial documents of the business plan must be submitted in full. In the end, the business plan is central, whereby the financial documents must substantiate the business plan. 
Ultimately, the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO) will assess whether the application meets the  criteria; 

  • The company must be viable;
  • The company must be able to operate in a free market economy;
  • The company must fulfill a need in the Netherlands;
  • The company must make a positive contribution to the Dutch economy and cannot disrupt the labour market and free market economy in the Netherlands.

Based on the above criteria, RVO provides IND with an advice. The IND always accepts the advice of RVO. 

If you are active in the arts as an entrepreneur, the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science is responsible for issuing an advice to the IND. The IND always accepts this advice. This is the procedure when it involves  professions such as a musician, painter, comedian, working in the theatre, etc. 

Given the experience of INLS at the Turkish self-employed department within the IND, INLS would be more than happy to manage your Turkish self-employment application.

Please refer to the FAQ list below for more information about about the Turkish self-employment application.

Frequently asked questions

Most frequent questions about Turkish self-employment visa procedure  visa application

The Turkish self-employment application procedure takes 3-6 months. 

The fees for the Turkish self-employment application procedure are €70,-.

You are eligible for a residence permit based on the three-year policy if your application as a self-employed person has been pending for 3 years or longer at the IND and you have always had lawful residence in the Netherlands during these 3 years. 

The Turkish self-employment residence permit is issued for a period of 2 years. 

If you want to work with a self-employed residence permit as an employee, you will need a TWV/work permit.

Under the Turkish Association Agreement, the Turkish entrepreneur is free on the labour market after having a Turkish self-employment residence permit for 3 years. A TWV is then no longer required. 

Yes, it is possible. INLS manages the application for the spouse or partner and/or children as well. Please visit our partner of a Dutch residence permit holder, the family of a Dutch residence permit holder and Turkish Association Treaty page.  

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The information contained in this site is for general guidance on matters of interest only. The application and impact of laws can vary widely based on the specific facts involved. Given the changing nature of laws, rules and regulations, and the inherent hazards of electronic communication, there may be delays, omissions or inaccuracies in information contained in this site. Accordingly, the information on this site is provided with the understanding that INLS is not liable for the above content. As such, it should not be used as a substitute for consultation with our professionals before making any decision or taking any action.

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